Michelle is our AUSD Board President and was honored at the Placer County School Board Association's Annual Trustee Celebration held on Monday, November 19th at the Winchester Country Club.
The Auburn Union School District Board of Trustees is proud to nominate Michelle Sierra-Sammons for this year’s special recognition award.
Michelle has served as an AUSD Board Trustee since December 2014. She has
served as Board President for the last two years. During Michelle’s tenure as Board President, AUSD has experienced the abrupt departure of our Superintendent, the placement of an interim superintendent, and the search and placement of a permanent superintendent. Michelle has handled such a rapid transition in leadership with a calm, yet strong, leadership style that eased the uncertainty and stress within the AUSD community.
Michelle brings a unique perspective to our governance team; she works in a
government position with the Placer County Assessor’s Office, is married to a teacher, and has a background in Special Education. Michelle is also very actively involved in the greater community and has recently joined the Kiwanis Club of Auburn. She also served on the board of the Caring Hearts Society for many years. She lets her personal and professional experience guide her, yet, does not let those same experiences block her from seeing and understanding the perspectives of others.
Michelle possesses a strong sense of integrity and has a great understanding of the role of the Board of Trustees in setting the tone and vision for our district. She encourages collaboration and ensures that all members of the governance team are included in the decision making process. She has maintained open channels of communications with AUSD stakeholder groups and has gained their trust and respect. Michelle truly takes to heart our district mission statement placing each child at the heart of every decision.