How to Create and Use Macros in Microsoft Word 2019 for Microsoft 365

Опубликовано: 22 Октябрь 2022
на канале: Kaceli TechTraining

Microsoft Word enables you to use macros for repetitive tasks. All you have to do is record the steps and then simply launch the Microsoft Word Macro. Learn how to record macros in Word, how to use the macros as part of a document resulting in time savings and more productivity.

Here is the link to the working file to follow along:

The comprehensive full tutorials are available from here:
Word 2019 for Teachers and Students:    • Word 2019 Full Tutorial: Microsoft Wo...  
Word 2019 for the Workplace:    • Word 2019 Tutorial - A Free 3 Hour Co...  
Word 2019 for the Absolute Beginner:    • Word 2019 Tutorial for the Absolute B...  

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