(⭐Star Code)
Use star code JIE when u purchase robux!!
Instagram : / jieepiezz
Roblox Fan Group : https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx...
(🎮Roblox Merch)
Piez hoodie : https://www.roblox.com/catalog/131661...
Piez pants : https://www.roblox.com/catalog/135580...
Outro song : Night Run Away - An Jone
Also credit to Kevin Macleod (Background songs) and
"Makai Symphony - The Army of Minotaur" is under a Creative Commons music (CC BY-SA 3.0).
/ makai-symphony
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/the-army-minotaur-song