Have you ever heard of Neural Rendering? It's a revolutionary new way of creating digital images.
Neural Rendering uses artificial intelligence to generate high-quality, photorealistic images from 3D models.
In computer graphics, you first define a scene's geometry and lighting, then render an image on the screen.
To render a photorealistic image, you need to use a complex rendering function that simulates the physics of lights and materials.
And what are great at approximating functions? Neural networks
Here comes our beloved AI. Neural Rendering trains neural nets on real-life images and textures to create virtual images that look almost indistinguishable from reality.
Once trained, the model is pretty fast, which unlocks real-time applications like video games.
Neural Rendering is the future of digital imaging, and it's here to stay! Interested? Check out the research, especially NVIDIA, that pushes the limits of the field.
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