A Netflix Clone with DataStax Astra & Netlify

Опубликовано: 05 Август 2021
на канале: CSS-Tricks

I paired up with David Jones-Gilardi of DataStax to go through one of the workshops they have put together (with Ania Kubów, see her video as well) that does a good job of showcasing how nicely DataStax Astra pairs up with the Jamstack approach. Here’s the gist:

• DataStax Astra is hosted Apache Cassandra, a powerful database technology used by most of the biggest players on the web. Astra makes it wildly easy to work with, hosting it, give you a nice dashboard for managing things, a GraphQL playground for it, serverless APIs, and more. We spin up a database cluster exactly as you would in this video, and see it right through GraphQL mutations in the playground (at first), and then through a .csv upload in the dashboard later.

• Pairing those APIs with cloud functions is a natural fit, meaning you can access your data on an otherwise static site easily. Netlify makes it easy to create and deploy cloud functions.

• The front end of the site is a basic React setup: components that run queries to fetch data and build themselves based on that data. The data fetching here happens through the cloud functions.

00:00 Introduction
02:47 Infinite Scalability of both the site and the data
05:39 Getting Started
07:55 Free Tiers
10:28 Spinning up the database
14:09 Security Tokens
19:57 Ordering data
21:37 Seeding data with GraphQL mutations
26:50 Paginating data
28:40 Loading more data
30:40 Deploy to Netlify
34:56 Coding with Gitpod
40:05 Mapping Secrets
45:45 Cloud Function Logs
49:27 Wrapping up and the power of front-end developers!