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🦇 FilmSpeak talks about Why Batman Returns Is BETTER Than You Remember in this video essay!
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I have a long and complicated relationship with Tim Burton's Batman Returns or Tim Burton Batman sequel. For the longest time I couldn't stand the film and found it too offputting, too out there, not really Batman enough, too Tim Burton. It wasn't until adulthood that I started to really appreciate what Burton was going for with his second Batman movie. He was adapting the comic Batman for a visual format while adding in everything that makes a Tim Burton movie a Tim Burton movie. It's a commentary on power dynamics, reclaiming and losing it, the evil in the status quo, how the only way to combat it is to become a symbol of that ugliness, freedom of expression and liberation, and so SO much more. It's a film not only explores Michael Keaton Batman and his psychological torment but how his rogue's gallery mirrors that with Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman and Danny DeVito's The Penguin. On top of ALL of that, Batman Returns is a PERFECT Christmas movie and manages to capture the melancholy of the holiday season better than any other film. So while everyone can go on and praise The Dark Kight as being the best Batman sequel, fairly so, how about we give some love and credit to Tim Burton's underrated and underappreciated Batman movie Batman Returns. Griffin (@griffschiller) explains why after all these years Batman Returns is better than you remember, why Batman Returns is a perfect batman movie, why Batman returns is underrated, in this video essay on Batman Returns: The Radical Batman Movie the World Wasn't Ready For in this Batman video essay or Batman analysis!
#Batman #BatmanReturns #VideoEssay #ekster #BatmanAnalysis #DC #Christmas #TimBurton #BatmanReturnsReview #MichaelKeaton
🎞 Chapters 🎞
0:00 A Decision that Will Go Down in Infamy...
0:54 "Never leave the cave without it"
02:16 A Damn Good Adaptation!
04:28 Putting the GOTH Back in Gotham
06:50 The Anti-Christmas Movie
08:55 "I'll Have A BRUCE Christmas WIthout You"
10:33 "SELINE KYLE Is Comin' to Town"
11:52 "Oh Cobblepot, Oh Cobblepot"
13:08 The Animal Kingdom
22:21 A Wistful End
23:50 A Very Burton Christmas
🎞 About Batman Returns 🎞
The monstrous Penguin (Danny DeVito), who lives in the sewers beneath Gotham, joins up with wicked shock-headed businessman Max Shreck (Christopher Walken) to topple the Batman (Michael Keaton) once and for all. But when Shreck's timid assistant, Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer), finds out, and Shreck tries to kill her, she is transformed into the sexy Catwoman. She teams up with the Penguin and Shreck to destroy Batman, but sparks fly unexpectedly when she confronts the caped crusader.
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