Call Python function from MATLAB With two or more output arguments

Опубликовано: 03 Ноябрь 2023
на канале: CodeGPT

MATLAB provides a way to integrate Python code into your workflow using the Python MATLAB Engine API. This allows you to call Python functions from within MATLAB and retrieve their results. In this tutorial, we will explore how to call a Python function from MATLAB that returns multiple output arguments.
MATLAB: You need to have MATLAB installed on your system. This tutorial is based on MATLAB R2014b and later, which introduced the Python integration.
Python: You also need Python installed. Ensure you have Python 2.7 or Python 3.6 and later.
To set up the Python environment, use the pyversion command to specify which version of Python you want to use. Replace 'path_to_python' with the path to your Python executable. For example, for Python 3.7:
In this example, we'll create a simple Python function that calculates the square and cube of a given number.
Create a Python script named
In MATLAB, you can use the py function to call Python functions and obtain their output arguments. Here's an example of how to call the calculate_power function:
Make sure to replace 'path_to_python' with the actual path to your Python executable, and ensure that the Python script is in the same directory or accessible from your Python environment.
Run the MATLAB script that contains the Python function call. The output should display the square and cube of the input number (5 in this example).
In this tutorial, you've learned how to call a Python function from MATLAB that returns multiple output arguments. This integration can be useful when you want to leverage Python's capabilities in your MATLAB workflow. Remember to set up the Python environment, write the Python function, and use the py function to call the Python function and retrieve the output arguments.