Bleach Brave Souls TOP 10 Favourite Units in Game! Updated on 22/01/2023:
Images edit by myself with Word and Musical Edit it with Vegas Pro software!
Recorded with OBS Studio and Edit it with Vegas Pro!
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Bleach Brave Souls 2023 Tier List:
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EN: Which are your TOP 10 Favourite Units in BBS? Leave in a comment!
ES: Cuales son tus 10 unidades favoritas del BBS? Déjalo en un comentario!
TOP 10: Ichigo AB
TOP 9: Dady Ichigo
TOP 8:Uryu 7th Anni
TOP 7: Genryusai TYBW v3
TOP 6: Aizen 6th Anni
TOP 5: Yoruichi SAFWY
TOP 4: Kisuke SAFWY
TOP 3: Zaraki TYBW
TOP 2: Soifon TLA
TOP 1: Kisuke TYBW
I Hope that this video can be fun and / or usefull for some Bleach fan.
What do you think about this information? Are u with me? Or maybe think that I'm wrong? Well at the end of the day are favourite units in game, then is personal opinion mainly!
I put it a lot of effort on this TOP 10 Video Edit, a lot of time to think about it, editing and sharing my passion! I personally hope that can u will enjoy as BBS lover!
Ejoye it and lucky minna ^^
Music: Bleach Brave Souls OST
Watashi wa Tukibankai to yume ni naru!
EN: I try to solve Doubts in long livestreams, Feel Free to ask me what you wish!
ES: Resuelvo tus dudas en los directos largos, pregunta lo que quieras!
More Features & Information:
CHANNEL MEMBERS: / @tukibankaibbs
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Special Thanks to the Sponsors Family "TukiLovers":
Julian Martinez (Hollow).
Nakz Tamariki (Hollow).
SBY (Hollow).
Paul (Hollow).
AlphaGino (Adjuchas).
Kahoru (Hollow).
Saikyou (Gillian).
Getsuga Kao (Gillian).
Deathsmasher (Hollow).
Roberttt (Holllow).
DanielO (Hollow).
Martín Cardenas (Gillian).
Dante Arias (Hollow).
New Universitas (Hollow).
Suika chan (Hollow).
Monchotron (Gillian).
LeonelPadilla (Hollow).
Aizen (Hollow).
Diki (Hollow).
Asmodeus (Gillian).
Sentry (Adjuchas).
Les animo a que compren el manga en físico para apoyar a los autores originales.
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