Tutorial Video shows how to make a pillow 3D model in Blender. In this video, we will go through how to make pillow or cushion 3D shape using Cloth Simulation in Physics. In this tutorial, we can inflate 3D pillow from a thin object. After forming the 3D shape of pillow, we can apply cloth fabric texture into 3D pillow. Steps are easy to follow for Blender beginners. I hope this helps.
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Watch Blender Tutorials in this YouTube Video playlist : • Best Blender Tutorials for Beginners
0:00 Intro - How to make a 3D pillow in Blender
0:23 Add a Plane
0:30 3D modeling the shape in Edit Mode
1:13 Add physics cloth simulation in Object Mode
1:16 Setting in Cloth simulation for 3D pillow
1:38 Play simulation in Timeline
1:57 Further Editing the shape of pillow
2:33 Add Cloth Texture Material to Pillow
3:17 Material Preview
3:25 Render Preview the Pillow with Fabric Texture
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