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I really enjoy adding Creative Blur to my images. One of the best and easiest ways of doing this is by using Analog Efex Pro 2, a part of the NIK Collection. In today's tutorial I am working with the Motion Blur Tool and I have some great tips that will help you take advantage of this powerful and creative tool.
Affiliate Links For Software I use and recommend:
Topaz Affiliate Link:
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DXO Affiliate Links:
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DXO NIK 25TH Anniversary Collection Affiliate Link:
DXO Filmpack 5 Affiliate Link:
DXO ViewPoint Affiliate Link:
Skylum Software Affiliate Links:
LUMINAR AI Affiliate Link:
Use Promo Code DAVEKELLY to receive a $10 Discount
Get Luminar 4 here:
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#NikCollection #MotionBlur #AnalogEfexPro2