BABY BOY (2001) – Official Trailer

Опубликовано: 17 Сентябрь 2020
на канале: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Check out the trailer for 2001’s Baby Boy.

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This film was selected by AAFCA member, Ed Adams, as part of the series, Sony Pictures Action Presents: A Roundtable Discussion with the African American Film Critics Association. Learn more here:    • Sony Pictures Action Presents: A Roun...  

Tyrese Gibson is Jody, a 20-year old man who has to figure out his life in John Singleton’s now urban classic film, “Baby Boy.” This unpretentious coming-of-age story is a glimpse into how boys transition to men in South Central, Los Angeles. Amidst the tropes of drugs, gangs, teen pregnancies and other cultural effects underlies a rather delicate character study on how our current system fosters, and more importantly, curates the persons it ultimately shows its contempt towards. What Singleton creates in Jody is a man who hasn’t quite found his way with all the trimmings to illustrates his daily goings but precisely targets with pinpoint accuracy the physical and mental trappings his world seems to be garnered in. On one hand, he has a great relationship at home with his mother Juanita (Adrienne-Joi Johnson), but that gets thrown out of balance when her new beau Melvin (Ving Rhames) moves in. Jody is content repairing bikes in the garage but knows it's not enough to take care of his daughter nor his girlfriend Yvette (Taraji P. Henson). These circumstances orbit Jody’s everyday oblivious movements which culminate into an intense tale of love, hate, and redemption as only Singleton could tell. Gibson at the helm is spectacular. His chiseled facial expressions complement the mood of every scene in such a way it seems almost effortless to play against. Just as his previous film, “Boyz n the Hood,” Singleton uses the stories from the streets he knows to tell his own version of Americana – the Black side of town that doesn’t follow the same rules and acquire the same tools as prescribed in most stories of the genre where the principles are essentially white and more mainstream. “Baby Boy” is satisfying that way. There are no victims, no apologies, no cause, and effect. Its just life in the hood in Los Angeles shown with a different perspective from what we see filtered through a white, mainstreamed lens - and we see, its people and stories enrich us, provide color, and add that splash of color the collective tapestry of American culture and cinema casually tries to omit. Luckily with bombastic films like this, that omission is now nearly impossible.

BABY BOY is the powerful drama directed by John Singleton (Shaft and Boyz N the Hood) starring rap music superstars TYRESE GIBSON and SNOOP DOGG (Half Baked, I Got the Hook Up). With knockout performances from VING RHAMES (Mission: Impossible II, Pulp Fiction, Con Air) and A.J. Johnson (Friday, House Party, The Players Club), BABY BOY is a tough, honest and unflinching look at modern urban life. Jody (Gibson) is a 20-year-old African American in South Central L.A. who is trying to live large but doesn't have a job. He's got two babies by two different women and still lives at home with his mother (Adrienne-Joi Johnson). Growing up is tough on Jody, but a series of events involving his mother's new boyfriend Melvin (Rhames), his girlfriend Yvette (Taraji P. Henson), and her ex-con ex-boyfriend Rodney (Snoop Dogg), force him to learn lessons about living, loving and surviving as a man in the hood.

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