Check out the most mysterious archaeological recent discoveries! This top 10 list of bizarre and unexplained mysteries features some of the weirdest and most amazing hidden artifacts in the world that have been found!
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8. Gold Found in 1500 Year-Old-Tragedy
In 2010, partially buried bodies from 1,500 years ago began appearing at a site called Sandby Borg on the island of Öland in Sweden. Since then, archaeologists have been trying to figure out what happened here, and have made some surprising discoveries.
The massacre that took place was so large that it’s impossible to know for sure how many people lost their lives- estimates place the number in the high hundreds, and it wasn’t a pleasant death. They appeared to have been murdered in as humiliating a way as possible. Some bodies were found with goat or sheep teeth stuffed in their mouths, and others were clearly killed while trying to escape.
Interestingly, though, a number of coins and treasures have been found at the site that have helped identify the time at which it happened and what the society was like. A Roman coin, dated between 425 and 455 AD shows that the empire had been in contact with the residents of the island, and other things like silver broaches, bells, gold rings and beads have been uncovered. This is quite unusual, as normally these sites would have been plundered for all valuables. It seems that following whatever event happened here, the area was feared and became taboo for anyone to touch- with even the livestock being left to die while they were tied up to posts.
7. Las Bolas, Costa Rica
The Diquis Spheres, or Las Bolas as they are known locally, are stone balls that have been mysteriously found in Costa Rica since the 1930’s. After the discovery of the first, over 300 have been documented in sizes ranging from a few centimeters to over two meters. Most of them have been carved from an igneous stone called granodiorite. The heaviest weighs over 16 tons! While there are no carvings on the spheres, they are clearly man-made as the shapes aren’t formed naturally, and some have chisel marks in them from where they had been worked on.
All of the stones were buried underground, and are often found during excavation works or the preparation of fields for agricultural purposes. No one’s certain what they were for or what they represent, but if you ever visit Costa Rica you’ll see them decorating buildings like schools, hospitals and the Assembly Building.
6. Old Stone Inscription
In 1878, locals in a small town called Beyköy in Turkey found pieces of a strange stone in the ground. They removed them, and realized that they were all part of a larger artefact, a 29-meter long hieroglyphic inscription in a virtually lost language called Luwian. No one at the time understood the meaning of the symbols, so the stones were used to build the foundations of a mosque, which meant they were totally destroyed. Luckily, though, the French archaeologist Georges Perrot, was able to copy the inscription before it was lost forever. Still, the Luwian language wasn’t deciphered until the 1950’s, so his copies were left in storage and were forgotten about.
This changed in 2012 when the noted archaeologist, James Mellaart, died, and his possessions were being organized. Within the volumes of pages were copies of the versions that George Perrot had made, and translators went to work. It turns out that the inscriptions from the 3,200 year old stone spoke about the travels and exploits of Prince Muskus of Troy. It detailed an expedition he led on behalf of his people to conquer Ashkelon, in modern day Israel, and build a fortress to control the land. There were also stories of the in fighting between different leaders of Troy and the surrounding areas, and how life at the time was tough, with new claims to the throne constantly vying for power. The translations of the tablets have given a valuable insight into events of the time, and helped us to further understand the ancient civilization.
5. Blackbeard’s Ship
Edward Teach was one of the most feared pirates during the golden age of piracy in the Caribbean, striking terror in the minds of the merchant sailors who operated in the area. One of the reasons for this was his ship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, which was a frigate that he had captured from the French and turned into his flagship. At 200 tons, it towered above the waves in a way that no other pirate ship did.
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