Genymotion Android Emulator
This video is about downloading and installing genymotion android emulator. I will explain and demo the emulator.
Genymotion Android Emulator is fast x86 OpenGL hardware accelerated emulator, resulting in the faster launch and execution time with great performance.
It’s available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X and requires VirtualBox in the background.
It works by creating a virtual machine to deliver an Android emulator and supports a range of sensor simulations, including Phone, GPS, Accelerometer, Camera, battery, etc.
Free license is pretty much what we need to get started. It's free for Personal Use.
Genymotion requires virtualization engine which is Oracle VM VirtualBox.
It is impossible to use Oracle VM VirtualBox and Microsoft Hyper-V at the same time on a windows machine.
Therefore, you need to disable Hyper-V in order to work with the emulator.
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• Genymotion Android Emulator
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