EX Time Attack 14 - Fallen Havakiri & Ameno Havakiri
EX タイムアタック 14 • アメノハバキリとハバキリ堕天
I wanted to parry something.
I don't really play Buster much anymore but somehow I just felt like that and decided to record this.
I had a really long video description here about how I take too long to record videos and how I set a recording time limit for this one.
But who really cares how long videos take to make as long as they sick?
So just enjoy this sloppy video.
I finally managed to finish the biggest parts of my Sakura Wars guide this week so I'll try to record some more GE3 stuff soonish.
Even though many people are bothering me to play the new SAO game. Send help
Weapon: Rank 7 'Manticore Paw'+0
-Vanquisher Lv10
-Crusher Lv10
Gun: Rank 1 Assault 'Ammit P'
Shield: Rank 1 Buckler 'Ammit P'
-Cardiograph Lv5
Burst Unit: PGC21mm
Accel Trigger: G--HP Healer
Burst Arts:
Ground: Anathema [Mad Wind]
Jump: Sky Cleaver [none]
Step: Dividing Edge [Explosive Impact]
-Autumn's Desolation [Bloodstained Ritual of The Night]
-White Darkness [Cartagra]
#GE3 #GodEater #HavaSandwich
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