DeCalifornia ft. Cartel de Santa, El Makabelico, Santa Fe Klan, C-Kan, Lefty SM, Dharius, Tren Lokote, El Jincho, Residente, Aleman & Ghetto Living - WARRIORS (Mashup)
This is a Mashup made by me
This is a remix and not an original song by the used artists!
Support my channel: / @raplegendshq
00:00 Intro
00:26 Cartel de Santa
01:09 Santa Fe Klan
01:52 C-Kan
02:35 Lefty SM
03:07 Tren Lokote
03:49 El Jincho
04:32 Dharius
05:15 Residente
06:08 El Makabelico
07:03 Decalifornia (El Chueko)
07:34 Ghetto Living
08:16 Aleman
09:04 Outro
#Santafeklan #CarteldeSanta #CKan #Residente #TrenLokote #LeftySM #Dharius #Decalifornia #GhettoLiving #ElMakabelico #HipHop #Rap #Mashup #RapLegendsHQ #Oldschool
C-Kan, Cartel de Santa, Santa Fe Klan, El Makabelico, Tren Lokote, Lefty SM, Dharius, DeCalifornia, Ghetto Living, Residebte, Guerreros, El Jincho, Mashup, Rap Legends HQ, Remix, Rap, Hip Hop, 2023 / 2024