My entry for the 1minutetosavetheworld short film competition to promote climate change awareness. I wanted to show that taking steps to become more eco-friendly is easy and fun.
List of suggestions made in this video:
1. turn down the heating
2. take a shower instead of a bath
3. turn off taps
4. plan your meals
5. keep your fridge / freezer ice free
6. regulate the temperate of your fridge
7. buy in bulk
8. cook with gas instead of electricity
9. drink tap water
10. recycle
11. reuse bags
12. use rechargeable batteries
13. unplug electronics when not in use
14. turn off lights when leaving the room
15. exercise
16. forage for food
17. avoid meat
18. eat organic food
19. start a compost heap
20. grow your own food
21. dry clothes outside
22. check your tyre pressure
23. share lifts with others
24. avoid using hose pipes
25. use natural cleaning solutions
26. donate unwanted items
27. make your own clothes
28. pick up litter
29. cycle
30. share these tips with others
Camera - Adam Roberts
Best Boy - Chris Bond
Written and performed by Dan Bull
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One minute to save the world.