1 2 3 4 new live setup test

Опубликовано: 30 Август 2024
на канале: HAINBACH

1,2,3,4 - warming up to my new live setup. Next album on @seilrecords is round the corner and I will play parts of it on my upcoming shows. Therefore I have changed the instruments I use: my Nagra and Ciat Lonbarde is accompanied by a eurorack modular case by @busycircuits with mostly @joranalogue modules. Thanks to a bunch of banana to jack cables by @patchpoint everything is happily exchanging sound and CV.

Now I have to put in the time to make it all into a cohesive show, even if a lot of it is improvised. I find only run throughs help to get a feel for a set and develop the skill to juggle all the different pieces. Still, up until the moment I am on stage it all feels impossible. Are your experiences similar?

Catch me here:
04.09. Goldie Oslo
05.09. Folken Stavanger
17.09. Atelier 210 Brussels
28.09. Pordenone
10.10. Rich Mix London
12.10. Machina Bristonica Bristol
Booking by @folkwisdom_music