Опубликовано: 10 Июнь 2022
на канале: Vadim Ischeykin

Short translation: what is with my left hand? Reply on one of the FAQ. Due to injury of left shoulder which happened ca. 4-5 years ago I am limited in training of left hand to some extend. Left hand starts to bother after 2-3 workouts, when I do overhead lifts (presses, snatches etc.) with weights more than 50 kg. That is the reason why my left hand is weaker than the right one. Other lifts such as deadlift, clean, flipping... etc. I can do without problem. The left is almost equal to right in these kinds of lifts. I am non professional athlete just amateur and have not done anything to recover the injury up to now. Just waiting. There is no problem with left hand in everyday life.
Usually I post video with personal best results or some new/interesting exercises. Because of above reason it is clear that it rather seldom applies to left hand since injury.
There are some samples of diverse lifts with left hand which I've performed since 2018 up to now in the end of video.