Data virtualization is a technology that has many advantages, but is it capable of scaling with the growing needs of data and business intelligence (BI)? Data engineers and data architects are continually looking for ways to meet the demands of data consumers by providing them with the user experience they desire. While data virtualization may initially appear to be a suitable solution, as an organizations data, user base and applications grow, so do its problems.
A Data Lakehouse can provide a powerful combination of traditional data warehouse and modern data lake capabilities. This type of platform can also provide the necessary scalability to handle BI needs at any size. By utilizing a cloud-native Data Lake Engine, organizations can take advantage of a single platform for their BI needs that offers increased flexibility and improved performance.
The Data Lakehouse architecture provides users with a consistent view of all their data across multiple locations, allowing them to quickly access the information they need for analysis. This type of architecture also simplifies the process for users when it comes to transforming and integrating different types of datasets from different sources into one unified view. Additionally, it enables organizations to easily scale up or down as their needs change over time.
Organizations can also benefit from improved security when using a Data Lakehouse architecture. By leveraging Role-based Access Control (RBAC) technology, organizations can ensure only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information in the system. This helps ensure that only those who need access will be able to view or make changes to sensitive information.
Data virtualization may initially seem like an ideal solution for organizations looking to meet their BI needs, but scalability issues can arise as an organization grows larger over time. By utilizing a Data Lakehouse architecture with a cloud-native Data Lake Engine, organizations can take advantage of increased scalability and improved performance while also enjoying enhanced security features for sensitive information. To learn more about how Dremios Data Virtualization does not work at scale visit our website today!
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