Dagoth Ur is back with his Tier List, and rankings of Skyrim Quests, with the Sharmat expressing his opinion on the Ranked Skyrim Quests. He is not kind to the Skyrim Quest systems, so some of his opinions might not be your cup of tea. His favorite game however is Morrowind, so it makes sense. He also discusses Emil Pagliarulo a few times.
#skyrim #elderscrolls #skyrimae
00:00 Intro
00:27 Companions
01:48 Daedric
03:00 Dark Brotherhood
03:49 Dawnguard
05:16 Dragonborn
06:18 Imperial/Stormcloak/Vampire
07:15 Main Quest
08:22 Thieves Guild
09:33 Winterhold
10:40 Miscellaneous
11:07 Outro