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Nihat and Zehra are married couple for 12 years. Zehra's sibling stays at their house and Nihat's secret love comes at home without notifying. Nihat introduces her as his relative to his wife. Whatever he tries, he is not able to send her away thus his lover becomes a part of the house.
Release: 2020
Genre: Comedy
Director: Umut Burçin Gülseçgin
Scenario: Ali Ömür Ulusoy
Barış Yıldız
Serap Matyaş
Melis Sezen
Dila Danışman
Bora Cengiz
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#Videomite #TilkiYuvası #UmutBurçinGülseçgin #BarışYıldız #SerapMatyas #MelisSezen