In this video, we will install Netdata on the OpenWRT router and add the node to the Netdata Cloud to monitor the router real-time performance from the internet. If you just need to monitor/ access the real-time dashboard locally, you can install the netdata package via opkg/Luci Software section.
Video timeframe:
00:00 - OpenWRT Netdata Cloud monitoring & Hardware overview
00:38 - Account & Room creation
01:30 - Install Netdata on the OpenWRT router
07:17 - Add the OpenWRT node to the Netdata Cloud War Room
08:25 - Result and Test
At the time of making this video, I only tested with OpenWRT x86. The tutorial may not work with other platforms/architectures but you are welcome to try and share the result in the comment section.
Netdata Offline (manage your router locally) - • OpenWRT - Install Netdata - Real Time...
Netdata Installation Guide:
Thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next video!