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Orientation Session for the IIT Bombay FOSSEE Geospatial Mapathon 2024 (Edition IV)
OpenFOAM S011 Laminar Flow Through a Pipe
OpenFOAM S016 Pilot on GUI for Block Mesh (OpenFOAM)
OpenFOAM S014 Hand-on Session: K Omega, Turbulence Modelling in OpenFOAM
OpenFOAM S023 The FOSSEE Project: Overview
OpenFOAM S005 Hand-on Session: Creating 2D Channel Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM
OpenFOAM S021 icoFoam plus scalarTransportFoam
OpenFOAM S008 Hand-on Session: Creating 3D Pipe Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM
OpenFOAM S007 Introduction to Advanced Meshing
OpenFOAM S009 Dynamic Meshing Strategies in OpenFOAM
OpenFOAM S003 Hand-on Session using the Spoken Tutorials: Running a Test Case: Square Driven Cavity
OpenFOAM S017 Heat Transfer Problem for Flow Through a Pipe
OpenFOAM S004 Introduction to Meshing
OpenFOAM S015 Turbulence Modelling
OpenFOAM S019 ScalarTransportFoam
OpenFOAM S002 Generic Lecture on CFD
OpenFOAM S001 Welcome Note
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