Camera link:
So here it is, the new Sony Fx9!! Today this camera was announced and I was one of the few lucky ones to test it one week before it’s official announcement. I was invited to London to learn, test and give my feedback about this camera in order to help Sony make the final adjustments for it’s official launch.
This camera is one of the biggest innovations from Sony with a full-frame 6k sensor with dual native iso 800 and 4000, variable Nd ( first in the world for such big sensor ), a super fast auto focus system, new display and so much more.
The setup I used to shoot this video was with a zeiss 50 mm, f1.4 so the autofocus you see was just my hand, but I had no issues pulling focus on the new monitor. The image quality and color science of this camera just blew me away, the amount of details and rich skin tones was just wow!
I’m so grateful to be part of Sony's journey on building the next generation cameras �
Dancer and voice: @darrongifty
Filmed in 15 min at the prelaunch event.
Musicbed SyncID: