Juls: "The Meaning of My Life Is Val"

Опубликовано: 03 Март 2019
на канале: PhDinRomance

Dedicated to Maca, Bárbara, All the Lilies, Ak BC, zeroty, natppy1, Song2519, Locafraise19, and fellow fans. Please enjoy.
My gratitude to the uploaders/translators/subtitle editors. Much love to you folks whose chats and analyses have made the journey a memorable one for me.

Of course, the finale was blocked, so I could only use the most crucial 4 seconds here at the end. Thanks to Linh for the translation at 02:42 min, in which Val said in the TV interview: "I'm in love with a woman, and her name is Juliana Valdes."

Linh also shares where English translation of Juliantina parts can be found: http://unpanditaazul.tumblr.com/tagge...

Watch the final #Juliantina part on natppy1's Openload account (no subtitle):


Watch uploads by All the Lilies:

Twitter thread (easiest to watch)
  / 1102543003283943424  

  / 2336081023103332  



(I don't know how to open both files for the videos and the subtitles at the same time. You'll have to check it yourselves, folks. Sorry.)

Please sign the petition for a Juliantina spin-off:


We probably can't live a normal life after this. :-D Our soap watching life has changed. The worst thing is - from now on, any girl (even in real life) who could somehow capture our attention and heart would be compared with Saint Valentina Carvajal. Is that fair? You decide. :-D However, I still wish all of us someone who is just like her.

Okay, so no one final beso, no wedding, no nothing except an implication that they're a couple. LOL We may need to take matters into our own hands. Luzi, sweetest, how about our fan fiction about their honeymoon in Cancun? Anyone else? :-D Anyone read fiction of them out there yet? I haven't got time to do anything because of boss.

This is my last video for a while. There may be another one but a lot later. (Boss is sending me out on the road to visit customers in the next few weeks. She's been kind enough to let me postpone till AaM ends.) Thanks so much, folks, for all your love and fellowship. Please take great care of yourselves.

No copyright infringement intended on video clip and music.
Made for entertainment purposes without financial gain.