Building Project | Lecture 7 | Description of bar bending schedule of plinth beam | Reinforce QST

Опубликовано: 26 Апрель 2020
на канале: REINFORCE

BBS of Stirrups of Plinth Beam from Live project #Quantity #Surveying #Online #Civil #Classes

This video is about the explanation of #BBS of plinth Beam with live project drawings.
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How do we provide online training?

Reinforce Team is providing regular Online Training sessions to professionals with live project Drawings to make every civil engineer understand the basics of training and learn and everything practically, furthermore Reinforce Team is providing the material along with recorded sessions to each and every individual for practice not only this thing but also assessment work as well to analyze the performance of trainee, this helps all the engineers to get clear with all the doubts they do have and clear all the doubts in the doubt Sessions. In case any trainee is not able to attend the session, he can watch the recorded session to cope with the loss. Hence this is a great platform for all civil engineers to learn Different Online civil engineering courses.

How do we provide online training?

Online Quantity surveying course.
Online billing engineering Course.
Online Primavera P6 Training.
Online Tendering and procurement course
Quantity Surveying & Training

REINFORCE QUANTITY SURVEYORS AND TRAINING is India’s best Quantity surveying institute for civil engineers and for architectures. RQSTPL short-term professional certification course in Quantity Surveying (Building & Roads) is fully job-oriented in India, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, and in Europe Countries. Reinforce QSTPL provides professional certification courses in quantity surveying in residential buildings and in commercial buildings. RQSTPL provides industrial training to their candidates which comprises the process of executing work on the site which includes the following:
Quantity Surveying in Building Estimation
Course Syllabus:
Introduction to Quantity Surveying and Role of Quantity Surveyors.
Sequence & schedule of work with all standard Activities.
A brief study of building structure from foundation to top level of the building.
The procedure of estimating metric system, unit conversion.
A brief study of construction materials, Nomenclature of items.
Estimation and costing of concrete work (footing, columns, slab, beams, staircase)
Estimation and costing of mortar work, plasterwork.
Quantity take-off technique from the architectural plan (Brickwork, plaster, and painting putty work).
Estimation & costing by quantity take off from the live projects drawing (PCC Works, shuttering, concrete works)
Preparation of estimation sheet for all kinds of building works on Ms-Excel sheet.
Management Information System (MIS) generation and preparation in proper formats as per as IS Standard.

Estimation works of all three types of building –
Residential Building –
low rise building.
high rise building.
Commercial Building
Industrial Building

Pre- Engineered Building (PEB) Estimation.
Construction Technologies and Equipments Experimental Studies.
Quantity Takeoff from CAD/ Architectural drawings and MS- Excel.
Estimation Procedure and Technique during the design phase by the client.
Estimation Procedure and Technique during Pre-Construction phase by a contractor.
Estimation Procedure and Technique during the execution of work at the site.
Sanitary and water supply works including plumbing works (septic tank, estimation of soak pit including sanitary & water supply installation withdrawing).
Bar Bending schedule of technique from all RCC Structure (Footings, Beams, Columns, Slabs, Staircase, RCC Wall, and water tank) from live projects drawings.
BBS Sheet preparation techniques on Ms-Excel. Masonry, painting finishes, and interior works with all standard specifications. (doors, windows, marble, tiles, glass, etc.)