[Northern Realms-Inspired Zeal]
Deck List: https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/gu...
1st Match: 11:45 Vs Skellige/Rage Of The Sea (you can find my opponent on twitch and youtube • [Gwent] SK Hyperthin! | Deck Showcase )
2nd Match: 32:29 Vs Skellige/Reckless Flurry
3rd Match: 46:22 Vs Nilfgaard/Imprisonment
Hello everyone and welcome back to yet another deck guide!
Here i have put together a triple Commandos deck. There have been a few variations that i have seen put out in recent times, my touch here emphasises the use of Draug to capitalise on the abundance of Commandos we are spawning in the deck.
The idea is that you use King Foltest in round 1 to spawn a vast amount of Commandos. Then push into round 2 and bleed your opponent. At that point, playing Pavetta to bring back the round 1 commandos into your deck, then drawing them out again with Amphibious Assault and proceeding to use Mega Scope/Scouts etc to spawn even more copies. Eventually, look for the optimum time to pass the 2nd round and go into round 3, at which point you will play Draug onto all the commandos that you bring back out from the graveyard, after renewing Pavetta. This seems to catch people off guard as they are expecting to see Siege played with commandos, or other order ability units. You can often win in card down situations, because of all the carryover points we can generate with the commandos.
The deck has won me a great number of matches, and it will do you just the same.
Enjoy folks.