Work With Powershell WMI Objects Get-WmiObject
get-wmiobject in powershell filter and work with parameters
Using Multiple Filters in Get-WMIObject to improve WMI query
Does get-WmiObject use WinRM?
Is get-WmiObject deprecated?
What are PowerShell filters?
What is a WMI object?
Gets instances of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes or information about the available classes.
The Get-WmiObject cmdlet gets instances of WMI classes or information about the available WMI classes. To specify a remote computer, use the ComputerName parameter. If the List parameter is specified, the cmdlet gets information about the WMI classes that are available in a specified namespace. If the Query parameter is specified, the cmdlet runs a WMI query language (WQL) statement.
The Get-WmiObject cmdlet does not use Windows PowerShell remoting to perform remote operations. You can use the ComputerName parameter of the Get-WmiObject cmdlet even if your computer does not meet the requirements for Windows PowerShell remoting or is not configured for remoting in Windows PowerShell.
Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, the __Server property of the object that Get-WmiObject returns has a PSComputerName alias. This makes it easier to include the source computer name in output and reports.
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