In this video, I am going to check out the NanoPi R5S's performance with FriendlyWRT (a folk of OpenWRT). The WAN port (eth0) of the R5S is only 1Gbps; therefore, I have configured the LAN1 as a WAN port, in order to do the test with all 2.5G Ethernet.
Before running the test, the NanoPi R5S's firmware was updated to the newest version, which was uploaded on August 3, 2022. The test consits of WAN to LAN, OpenVPN and Wireguard VPN throughput tests.
Video timeframe:
00:00 - NanoPi R5S Intro
00:26 - Upgrade the NanoPi R5S firmware (Friendlywrt)
03:24 - Configure the LAN1 port (eth1) as WAN port (2.5GbE)
06:52 - Test LAB Network Diagram
09:31 - OpenSpeedTest - WAN to LAN Throughput (No Offloading)
11:58 - iperf3 - WAN to LAN Throughput (No Offloading)
13:20 - OpenSpeedTest - WAN to LAN Throughput (SW Offloading)
15:16 - iperf3 - WAN to LAN Throughput (SW Offloading)
16:20 - Install & Configure OpenVPN
19:56 - OpenSpeedTest - OpenVPN Throughput
20:55 - iperf3 - OpenVPN Throughput
21:40 - Install & Configure Wireguard VPN
26:57 - OpenSpeedTest - Wireguard VPN Throughput
28:46 - iperf3 - Wireguard VPN Throughput
Just in case you missed the R5S Overview, check it out here • OpenWRT - NanoPi R5S Overview & Initi...
You can get the R5S from here
Firmware Download & Installation -
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