Where will you be?
Bethesda’s next server down for Fallout 76 will be happening on August 22, 2023. Bethesda will be bringing the server down around 10 am EST for an estimated 2-4 hours to add the new S.C.O.R.E board for Season 14, Fight for Freedom. Looks like we’ll be seeing some Enclave material with this board, so make sure you’ve claimed your Season 13 rewards before Tuesday. Seasoned players can choose to begin at level 20 when beginning a new character. A donation box for Vault 76 is in the plans to be added, hopefully for this one. Two new perk cards are being added, along with lower level requirements for some perk cards and some changes to the names and organization of camp items. Also, the Hunter Hunted radio station is most likely going away this update, and we’ll probably see some bug fixes as well.
See you soon in Appalachia!
PTS Patch Notes:
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