Percy helps make sure the visual changes you make to your sites are intentional

Опубликовано: 06 Ноябрь 2019
на канале: CSS-Tricks

I wanted to make sure you understand exactly what Percy can do for you, hence the title. When you commit a change to your websites Git repo, like in a Pull Request workflow most of us live in, Percy will let you know if that change causes any visual changes to your site. It will show you exactly what those changes are: what pages, what media query breakpoint, what browser, etc.

It's rather amazing.

Percy has all kinds of powerful configuration, but it can also be quite simple. Percy! Go to this URL and take a screenshot of it! Percy! Go to this URL, click this button, then take a screenshot of that! If you're familiar with the fantastically simple browser automation language Puppeteer, that's what PercyScript uses.

In this screencast we look at how it's added to one of my open source repos and sites.