Under this video we have covered how to create and restore LVM snapshot.
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whoami command --------
stat command --------
ls command --------
find command --------
alias command --------
su command --------
file and directory permissions --------
How to change file and directories permissions --------
How to change file and directories permissions using octal values --------
How to change file owner and group to grant access --------
How to set default access value of a file and directories --------
add and delete users --------
file that updates when we made change to any user or groups --------
Home directory of a user --------
lock and unlock users using usermod command --------
uptime command --------
Change groups and grant permissions --------
Force user to change password on next login --------
lock and unlock users using passwd command --------
Home directory creation of a user --------
How to rename a user or groups --------
Relative path and absolute path --------
crontab command --------
crontab syntax --------
cron allow and deny --------
df -h command --------
df -total command --------
df -i --------
inode utilization --------
disk usages --------
diff command --------
History command --------
whereis command --------
su and su - --------
change default editor --------
sudo command --------
how to grant sudoer permission to a normal user --------
best way to edit sudoers file in linux --------
sudoer entry for specifc command --------
TOP Command --------
top and ps --------
ping command --------
hostname command --------
Date command --------
free command --------
ifconfig command --------
how to find mac address --------
What is mac and its usages --------
Terminal shortcut keys --------
Watch command --------
tac command --------
cut command usages --------
runlevel command --------
default runlevel --------
hostname update without logout --------
elinks command --------
id command --------
man command --------
rsync local --------
rsync between 2 servers --------
SCP command --------
ssh command --------
time command --------
zcat command --------
wget command --------
symbol part1 semicolon and pipe --------
symbol part2 --------
symbol part3 and --------
symbol part4 --------
symbol part5 backslash --------
and or operation in Linux --------
echo command --------
bash files --------
seq command --------