Lecture 22 : Tutorial Session - 4: Python implementation of Jacobi Method
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Week 8: Lecture 38: Cauchy Stress Tetrahedron
Week 8: Lecture 40: Stress and strain invariants, Hooke law for isotropic materials
Week 8: Lecture 37: Second-Rank Tensors and Stress Issues - III
Week 8: Lecture 36: Second-Rank Tensors and Stress Issues - II
Week 8: Lecture 39: Stress Invariants
Week 7: Lecture 23: Method of Multipliers
Week 7: Lecture 31: Ductile pure shear zone kinematics and Taylor-Couette flow
Week 5 : Lecture 25 : Maintainability
Week 3: Lecture 12: Stress Issue: Mohr circle II
Week 4 : Lecture 18 : 19F, 14N and 15N NMR Spectroscopy
Week 03: Lecture 14: Procurement Strategy (Kraljic Matrix) - I & II
Week 01: Lecture 02: Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management
Week 1 : Lecture 10 : A brief introduction to Configuration Interaction(CI)
Course Introduction - Business Fundamentals For Entrepreneurs (Part 1: Internal Operation)
Week 12 : Lecture 59 : Numerical ODEs: Multistep Methods
Week 12 : Lecture 57 : Numerical ODEs: Runge-Kutta Methods
सप्ताह 12 : पहला लेक्चर : स्तनपान के लिए ४५ परामर्श बिंदु - भाग 1
Lecture 54 : Numerical Differentiation: Method of Undetermined Coefficients and Arithmetic Error
Week 11 : Lecture 57 : Anthropometric Measurements
Week 10 : Lecture 51 : Numerical Integration: Gaussian Quadrature Rule
Week 9 : Lecture 43 : Polynomial Interpolation: Implementation of Lagrange Form as Python Code
Week 9 : Lecture 46 : Polynomial Interpolation: Cubic Spline Interpolation
Lecture 46 : Vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes for 7-month-old and 8 to 11-month-old babies
Week 8 : Lecture 43 : Guidelines for complementary feeding. General guidelines