A Collection of all the unique knockout quotes in Persona 4 Arena, not Arena Ultimax. All of these quotes are only heard when certain characters are K.O'd by certain other characters and even then there is a chance they won't say them which is why all of these are done in "Training Mode"
✨Channel info✨
Suhcra-Sensei at your service. I post clips and gameplay of popular JRPGs (Atlus, SEGA, etc.) or other types occasionally. I get certain games earlier than most (Atlus & SEGA), so my channel is NOT spoiler-friendly (Sorry)😅
I don't have a fixed upload schedule and I'm not much for talk either. My uploads can range from once a day to once a week or monthly. However, if a new game piques my interest, I usually upload daily content.
🕧Time Stamps🕧:
Persona 5: Special Scenes/Moments
• Persona 5: Special Scenes/Moments
Persona 3: Special Scenes/Moments
• Persona 3: Special Scenes/Moments
Persona 4 Golden: Special Scenes/Moments
• Persona 4 Golden: Special Scenes/Moments
✅ Connect with me more:
Dism Archus (Main Channel):
Archus Avalon (2nd Channel)
/ @avalonarchus
Dism-kun (Personal Channel)
/ @dism-kun2628
/ dismarchus
/ dismarchus
✅ Channel Description:
It's just Dism.
I play the game, you watch, discuss, yada yada.
I post clips and gameplay sessions of mine and talk very little. Mostly I play Persona, with a little SMT and Fire Emblem every now and then, So clearly I'm a jrpg kinda guy.
I have no upload schedule. My uploads can vary from a video a day to a video a week, but when a new Persona game is released you can expect something everyday, probably.
#Persona4Arena #Persona4 #persona3reload