This update comes exactly 30 days since they released their free Wastelanders expansion.Wastelanders edition was a huge step in the right direction for Bethesda, and it’s great to know they listen to the feedback given by their players; I’m sure they will continue to do that moving forward. The Wastelanders update permanently changed the face of Appalachia. What is to come will be big changes in gameplay and mechanics and will completely revamp the current in-game challenge system.After reading several articles from Bethesda regarding this topic, I have divided the update into three basic categories: The addition of SEASONS, mechanics updates that provide major team-playing enhancements, and the return of the brotherhood of Steele!Let’s start with the slightly controversial Seasons promised with Update 20. These are already causing quite a bit of buzz. 76 Seasons will be Fallout’s take on a “Season Pass”- style system. Season one will create a boardgame-like experience where players will complete steps and receive items on the board. Players will begin to increase new S.C.O.R.E points that will allow them to Rank Up to the top Rank of 100. There will be additional bigger rewards for monumental ranks of 25, 50, 76, and so on. There will also be a major end-game bundle of rewards for completing the season.A sampling of the many rewards players will be able to unlock during Season one include a Captain Cosmos Power Armor skin, a fresh look for your new Secret Service Power Armor, a new Gatling Gun skin, and a cozy fireplace for your C.A.M.P. that’s actually a secret door!This entire experience seems like it will offer a good time for all and add much game time, but it does leave a few questions.How will Seasons impact the regular player overall? Will it be an added service or free to play?By the way Bethesda describes the whole season concept, they leave us little clues that there might be an associated fee for additional seasons.However, Bethesda says, and I quote, “everyone will be able to join in the Summer fun immediately when our first Season arrives in Update 20”. I do have a few additional questions, though. If there is a fee, will that fee only be for players who do not have a Fallout First Membership?Or, will Fallout First member’s get a pass? These questions will hopefully be answered in an additional update coming just before the release of Update 20 - when that happens, I’ll be sure to do a follow-up video for you ASAP. In it, I’ll cover Seasons in a little more depth.The second topic covered in the May 14th news release deals with the team-playing enhancements that are being made. With the goal of making gameplay “One Wasteland for all”, Bethesda hopes to provide additional and more enjoyable community play. There will be a major rebalancing of combat and rewards across all Dweller levels, allowing lower level players to complete tasks with upper level players and will provide equitable rewards for all. So, share this video with your friends who you want to play Wastelanders with you: these new features are sure to make for a more interactive, team-based experience.There will be “new features, like Ally Dress Up, C.A.M.P. Shelters, and Legendary Perks.”“New events, like “Hunt for the Treasure Hunter” and “A Colossal Problem,” And a revisit to community favorites like “Fasnacht Parade” and “Meat Week.” Daily and weekly challenges will still be available, but they are being revamped so they are more straightforward and easier to complete, thereby making them consistent ways to increase S.C.O.R.E points and rank up.Here’s one example Bethesda provides. Instead of having to track down another player involved in a rad storm and take their picture, something that relies heavily upon random environmental game mechanics, you may instead be challenged to kill a legendary character or complete a public event. These are things that a player already does in everyday game play. Bethesda’s goal is to make these Daily and Weekly challenges more “predictable and consistent”. I think it really takes happenstance out of the equation, so kudos for that. The final big topic discussed in the overview is that of the return of the brotherhood of Steel. This will be a year-long story arc where the Brotherhood turns its attention back toward Appalachia near the end of 2020. I believe this will add an additional layer of depth to the game by allowing for new adventure-oriented challenges and quests, but we will just have to wait and see.The game is free to play from May 14th through May 18, 2020 , and with double XP for the weekend of May 16 - 18, it’s a great way to get started! I encourage you to get the game and get to playing. Bethesda says “we’re also discounting the Standard Edition during and after Free Week on, Steam, Xbox Store and PlayStation Store.