How to live out your calling - Learn to live out your calling today

Опубликовано: 01 Январь 1970
на канале: Masters Online

How to live out your calling - Learn to live out your calling today

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Are you doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing within your career and calling? Do you believe you’re living out your calling or living outside your calling? Theres nothing like having favor with God in your career and calling. Sometimes we waist precious moments in life living outside the order of Gods design. Many have fallen into the mighty hamster wheel of career, never having touched their calling. Gods calling on your life should come first, your career can be the way to which that calling can be realized. You are a “one off” design and if no one plays your roll, no one will. However, doing something you love doesn’t necessarily mean you’re living out your calling. You can do things you love while having no impact. The fruit of doing what you love needs to be impactful. Why are we doing what we do and how will it be measured in the end? We need to get to a place where life holds meaningful experiences with people and we know we’re making a difference. If Gods currency is souls, how many souls will be in Heaven because of our effort? The older we get, the more complex and individualized our story becomes. Through leveraging our story, skill-sets, talents and passions we can realize our calling. If your career can parallel your calling, you are positioned to have great impact. Eternal impact is the measuring stick of what true success looks like and this is where purpose can play its role in the eternal "big picture”. In this segment Bob Shank and Noah Elias of The Masters Program (TMP) discus career and calling. Great wisdom is often reduced to simplicity so we can understand it, but there is great complexity behind the scenes that drives it. Start here.

Master’s Program Online is a mentoring experience designed for Christians who want their leadership potential - over their lifetime - to be maximized. Master’s Online helps Christian leaders explore, expose and exploit their Kingdom Calling, while refining every bit of their personal, family and professional friendships. This is the truest, most powerful lifestyle for work life balance.

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TMP is for men and women who know they were made for more than their current experience, and are looking for a mentoring experience that will help them get clear about their unique path going forward.

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live out your calling
How to live out your calling - Learn to live out your calling today

00:00:05 live out your calling
00:00:56 fulfill your calling
00:01:47 have great impact
00:02:39 have eternal impact
00:03:30 understand career and calling
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