An exclusive interview with the Chairman of Seibu Holdings.

Опубликовано: 04 Июль 2024
на канале: 馬渕磨理子の株式クラブ

I'm Mariko Mabuchi, an economic analyst known as Uma-chan.
Thank you to everyone in the Stock Club for watching today 😊
Today we will be in conversation with Takashi Goto, Chairman, Executive Committee Member and CEO of Seibu Holdings, Inc.!

▼ Seibu Holdings Inc. IR page is here

▼Click here for the survey on "Interviews with CEOs of Listed Companies"

0:00 Opening
0:33 Main story begins
1:01 Interview with Seibu Holdings Chairman Goto Takashi!
1:27 Seibu Holdings' Business Contents
3:02 What are your thoughts on appearing today?
5:17 The story so far
7:15 Reforms to restore trust
10:18 Segment Composition
11:43 Changes due to COVID-19
13:39 Negotiations for railway line development
14:17 Current performance
17:00 Message from dividends
18:34 Background to the announcement of the long-term strategy and medium-term management plan
19:58 Leveraging tangible benefits
22:26 About Group Synergy
24:27 Efforts to improve PBR
26:18 Dialogue with investors
27:58 Thoughts on Disclosure of Cost of Capital
29:06 Core real estate business
30:07 The concept of human capital
32:03 Environmental Initiatives
34:54 Motto
39:47 Message to individual investors
42:17 Ending

----------------------【We have an announcement for everyone✨】
★New book now on sale❗️

The second book "Work Techniques" has been released, following the previous book "Study Methods"
"Developed by the busiest economic analyst in Japan! Super-fast work techniques to increase your income 10 times!"

Increase financial power, human power, and speed.

To do that, we must not fight against time.
No matter how busy you are, you don't try to control the monster called time. Because you will be consumed by time. I have compiled a method that anyone can replicate to help you enjoy the present to the fullest.

↓You can make a reservation here✨

★Amazon best seller❗️
"Developed by a Kyoto University Graduate School Graduate and Economic Analyst! A High-Speed Study Method to Increase Your Income by 10 Times!"

▼ [If you don't know, you're missing out!] Click here to open an account! Three reasons why I use SBI Securities
   • 【知らないと超もったいない!】口座開設はここ!!私がSBI証券を使う3つの...  

☆Open an SBI Securities account here [PR]

▼[First time revealing] Former professional trader Mabuchi Mariko will show you all of her "FX trading techniques"!
   • 【初公開】元プロトレーダーでもある馬渕磨理子の「FXトレード手法」を全部見...  

☆Click here to open a Money Partners FXnano account [PR]

▼ [Knockout Options] Understand the basics in 20 minutes! An easy-to-understand explanation of options trading!
   • 【ノックアウト・オプション】20分で基礎がわかる!オプション取引をわかりや...  

☆ Click here to open a StoneX Securities "" account [PR]

☆If you want to trade US stocks, we recommend this! ↓【PR】

🐴Self-introduction video here
   • 馬渕磨理子!投資のYouTubeチャンネル始めました!  

🐴An investment method that allows you to build assets of 20 million yen faster than Tsumitate NISA!
   • つみたてNISAよりも早く、資産2000万円を築ける投資法!  


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#Investment #Stocks #Seibu Holdings Co., Ltd.