C++ OpenGL GUI Library DevLog 2: Dockable Panels | illuxUI

Опубликовано: 26 Декабрь 2018
на канале: PardCode

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Hello everyone!
In this second video devlog of illuxUI, a C++ GUI framework built upon the rendering system of Pard Engine, we will talk about the dockable panels!
This important feature allows the user to customize the layout of the application user interface (like an editor application).
The customization is achieved by docking multiple windows in two main ways:
on the top, left, bottom, right of an already docked window
by merging multiple windows all together generating the so called windows/tabs container.

WEBSITE: https://www.pardcode.com/illuxui

 C++ OpenGL GUI Library DevLog Playlist:    • C++ OpenGL GUI Framework | illuxUI | ...  

illuxUI is currently in development and will be available once the bugs will be ironed out.

You can follow the work in progress at the following pages:
FACEBOOK:   / illuxui  
TWITTER:   / illuxui  
GITHUB: https://github.com/PardCode/illuxUI

I hope you'll enjoy it!

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0:00 illuxUI: C++ GUI Framework. More info at www.pardcode.com/illuxui and in the video description
3:00 End