#Fallout76 NakedVaultDweller #FO76 #TreasureHunters
This is the video to watch if you want to find Mole Miner Treasure Hunters in more then fifty different locations spread out five regions. Over the past couple of weeks I have spent hours upon hours searching the Bethesda Public Test Server for Treasure Hunter Mole Miners and I have come up with a route that will maximize your time and your effort in obtaining Treasure Hunter Pails. Step by step, I go through most of the regions in Appalachia for Fallout 76 highlighting the locations where a mole miner, or several mole miners consistently spawned for me.
#Fallout76 #TreasureHunters #FO76
Naked on Twitch: / nvdonline
Naked on Discord: / discord
Naked on Facebook: / nvd-online-102066455351543
Map Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-nfT...