VST Plugin - Harmony Improvisator VST

Опубликовано: 16 Август 2009
на канале: dionsajah


The Harmony Improvisator VST Plugin is a completely new composition tool that makes the world of harmonic functions transparent to its users. According to Jonathan, the concept is way ahead of other chorder plugins, as knowledge of musical composition and harmonic theory, centuries old, is the foundation of its voicing and its database. It supports the musician in composing, improvising and creatively exploring harmony.

The mathematic logic of harmonic theory, which has evolved in the art of composition over centuries, is rarely emphasized in today's music software. Even the technique of many professional composers consists of investing a remarkable amount of time trying out different chords, which can be unsatisfactory. Improvisator shortens this phase of work and provides you the desired result quickly and accurately. Explore unusual chords and harmonic ideas by just clicking the mouse. Whether pop-music or choral - correct harmonic progression is now accessible in your VST host.
