Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of 7 Minute AE Tutorials where you learn tips, tricks, and shortcuts in 7 minutes or less. No BS, just AE!
In this double episode, I'm going to show you some very cool tricks. First, we make a shape layer transition. Then, we add a multiply and divide expression that will create alternate versions of a color gradient. We also add transform controls so that you can alter the anchor point location of this shape layer, essentially allowing you to have four transition possibilities within just this one layer. Then, we add checkbox expressions that allow you to easily toggle between the multiply and divide color schemes. Finally, we save this shape layer transition, along with all of its added features, as a preset so you can bring it into your comps with the click of a button.
You'll learn about shape layer anchor points, how they affect your animations, and the importance of math when working with shape layers.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Shape Layers are very powerful. I highly encourage you to check out my other tutorials to learn more about Shape Layers, and spend some time experimenting with your projects.
Please like, share, comment, and subscribe. I'm including the project file. Let me know if this episode was useful and if there's anything you'd like to see. As always, thanks for watching, everybody. And I'll see you next time.
Use the DropBox link below for the project files and course notes: