They will be buried next to Gradsky / Nikolay Baskov / 10 minutes ago /

Опубликовано: 17 Декабрь 2021
на канале: Show business#Show business

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They will be buried next to Gradsky / Nikolay Baskov / 10 minutes ago /
Latest, sad, tragic, major and urgent news
about the famous Russian singer Nikolai Baskov
The famous Russian singer Nikolai Baskov made a will before his illness. He divided his inheritance between his son, mother Elena Baskova, and his friend Oksana Fedorova. Nikolai Baskov also indicated his main desire - to be buried near the grave of Alexander Gradsky, whom he considered his student and idol.
Singer Nikolai Baskov was in a drug-induced coma for a whole week after being poisoned with medications.

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