🔹Learn how to build a modern Contact App using Jetpack Compose, Room Database, MVVM, and Dagger Hilt In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll guide you through implementing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) while following Clean Architecture best practices.
BACKEND: Room Database, MVVM, Clean code architecture, dagger hilt, crud operation.
FRONTEND: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Android Studio
What You'll Learn
✅ Room Database integration in Jetpack Compose
✅ Implementing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
✅ Using MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) for better architecture
✅ Implementing Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection
✅ Applying Clean Code Architecture for scalable apps
✅ State Management & UI updates with Jetpack Compose
📍TIME Stamp :
00:17 showing the contact app
04:37 Project Set up
10:34 Data folder clean code architecture backend
12:35 Contact Database
15:59 Data Access Object Interface
24:24 Hilt Module Dependency injection
27:46 Presentation Folder
28:21 Contact State File
32:32 Contact ViewModel MVVM
48:25 Utils Folder
49:04 Custom Text Field
1:04:26 Image Compress file
1:04:30 Building Navigtion Folder Routes File
1:09:15 Building the NavGraph
1:13:42 Building HomeScreen
1:46:25 Building Add and Edit Screen
2:14:03 Running the App
2:20:50 Splash Screen
2:33:20 Change App Icon
2:35:28 App Completed Support Me Like❤️and Subscribe🔔
📌 Source Code:
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This Video is beginner-friendlyand perfect for Android developers looking to level up their **app development skills**! 🚀
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#AndroidDevelopment #JetpackCompose #Kotlin #RoomDatabase #CRUDOperations #MVVM #DaggerHilt #CleanArchitecture #DependencyInjection #AndroidStudio #AppDevelopment #Jetpack #Compose #StateManagement #LiveData #Coroutines #ViewModel #ModernUI #MobileDevelopment #AndroidJetpack #ComposeUI #AndroidApp #Coding #YouTubeTutorial #Tech #Programming #UIUX #SoftwareDevelopment #roomdatabase #room