This is a personal topic I've been wanting to talk about for the longest time but never had my thoughts fully put together. In today's video, I answer the big question...what am I doing after college?
All in all, my advice to college grads: shadow, intern, or work for someone in a field you want to go into or go full force into your own passion. If you are 20-something years old, you are still young and have all the time in the world to pursue what's going to make you happy. Of course, things such as rent, bills, and student debt can be huge determinants to whether or not you can practice your craft. But I think at this time of our lives, it's worth it to do what we love during the day and take a night shift on the side if we need to make ends meet.
Would love to know what you think on the topic! Comment down below what you're planning on doing this year/the next 5 years/etc and what you're doing to help you get there! Hopefully, we can all inspire each other to work hard and reach our full potential in the near future. xx
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