→ https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Worksho...
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In this advanced email marketing tutorial, you'll stop being a BASIC ConvertKit user, and learn how to:
→ Build a completely automated email marketing system for your business, whether you sell products or services
→ Stop sending one-off broadcasts and start sending evergreen email content
→ Plan your entire ConvertKit email marketing workflow from scratch
→ Use Visual Automations to create smart marketing workflows
→ Sell your products or services 24/7
→ Differentiate between Tags and Custom Fields, and when to use one or the other
→ Plan your email marketing content, starting with a lead magnet, a welcome sequence, a personalized offer sequence, then an evergreen newsletter
→ Personalize your email content with smart segmentation
→ Segment your audience using a simple method
→ Clean up your ConvertKit account when it's messy
→ Use Rules vs. Visual Automations
→ Set up Custom Content Snippets
→ Add a personalized "p.s." pitch to the bottom of your email templates using content snippets and liquid shortcodes
→ Use Flag Tags (credit to @BrennanDunn for this concept)
→ Send a personalized "pitch" to your subscribers based on their activity and engagement
→ And much more!
Thanks for your interest in my advanced email marketing ConvertKit workshop! Hold on tight, it’s fairly advanced, but I try to break things down into actionable steps that you can implement in your email marketing strategy.
The resources below should help make things easier for you.
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00:00 Intro to ConvertKit Workshop
2:08 What you're going to learn and build
17:00 Start with a sketch
27:08 Stupid simple segmentation strategy
43:54 Rules vs. Visual Automations
54:30 Using "Flag Tags"
1:00:30 Tags vs. Custom Fields
1:01:57 Wrap up & what's next?
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If you see the value in having a remarkable email marketing strategy like the one you see in the workshop and want to incorporate it into your business, but:
😕 Still have no idea how to build it
⏳ Do not have time to build it
👌 Want it done right the first time
Yes, I can do it for you 🙂 It's what I do for my clients.
I call it Done in 1-Day, and I’ll build a remarkable, and automated email marketing system (like the one you see in the workshop), in a single workday.
For more info, testimonials and to book an email marketing intensive with me?
→ Click here: https://donein1day.co ←
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Download the Slidedeck:
→ https://www.dropbox.com/s/v231jviwazk...
Need a ConvertKit account?
→ Get one here: https://bradhussey.ca/convertkit (affiliate link)
📋 Templates & Visual Automations Used in Workshop:
→ New Subscriber from Lead Magnet - https://app.convertkit.com/a/ba90edb546
→ Global New Subscriber from Flag Tag - https://app.convertkit.com/a/4325587bda
→ Calculate the Next Pitch - https://app.convertkit.com/a/c21f3bae76
→ Purchased a Product - https://app.convertkit.com/a/0177ce2e3b
→ Cold Subscriber Check - https://app.convertkit.com/a/4ff2c0a77f
→ Evergreen Newsletter - https://app.convertkit.com/a/d6cb46900f
→ Segment by Tag - https://app.convertkit.com/a/f26dd7a0e5
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→ ConvertKit Training and Resources by the actual ConvertKit Team: https://convertkit.com/training
I appreciate your time and interest in my workshop 🙂 If you have questions, just reach out!
And if you’d like me to build this for you, click here for more information and availability.
→ https://donein1day.co/
Go build something!
– XO, Brad Hussey
#convertkit #emailmarketing #emailmarketingtutorial