This guide shows getting speech 100. Skill trainers, skill books and gear to make prices better!
00:22 Riften
-Amulet of Zenithar
00:56 Raven Rock
-Blackgaurd Hood
1:58 Dawnstar
-Adept Level 50 Trainer
-Speech Grind to 70
5:19 Markarth
-Expert Level 75 Trainer
6:56 Solitude
-Master Level 90 Trainer
7:47 Raven Rock Mine
-Black book
8:41 Blue Palace
-1/5 Speech Skill Books
9:07 Solitude
-2/5 Speech Skill Books
9:31 Markarth
3/5 Speech Skill Books
9:54 Falkreath
4/5 Speech Skill Books
10:18 Windhelm
5/5 Speech Skill Books