Advanced Sensors Technology CEA’s- Good News for Strain Gage Users.
Surface Preparation; Bonding Procedure; Orienting, Handling, and Bonding the Strain Gage; Inspect the Strain Gage Installation; Wiring; Complete the Strain Gage Installation.
The CEA-Series strain gage, with its rugged, integral copper terminals, has proven to be the most widely accepted new products since the introduction of foil gages over 60 years ago.
Thousands of users testify to traditional CEA’s…and more will do for the new CEA.
• Ease of application
• Reduced installation time
• High reliability
• Low total cost of installation
For general-purpose stress analysis applications, the new CEA-Series strain gage with Advanced Sensors Technology are a drop replacement for the traditional CEA gage.
In this iLearn video Darryl compare a traditional CEA strain gage and an Advanced Sensors CEA strain gage and shows how to achieve a practical strain gage installation from A-Z.
From watching this tutorial you will learn practical tips and also several tricks for installing any strain gage sensor.
Last but not least learn from Darryl how to use optical and electrical tests during the complete strain gage bonding.
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