RIG OF THE WEEK - Schecter Keith Merrow & Peavey 5150

Опубликовано: 04 Май 2020
на канале: Ola Englund

Trying out the Schecter KM6 Mark III. Reached out to Keith and they sent me a guitar! Happy times!
Affiliate Link to Product - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SFKRD1L/?...
I'm Ola Englund and welcome to my channel. A channel dedicated to guitar related gear with a focus on metal. I also play in the metal bands The Haunted & Feared and run a guitar company https://www.solar-guitars.com

My Pages
► My Music - http://www.olaenglund.com/motu
► Merch - http://www.olaenglundshop.com
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► Feared - http://www.fearedband.com

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