Payment beams on two pillars on strength at bend.

Опубликовано: 01 Январь 1970
на канале: Опір матеріалів - легко! Олександр Заболотний

⌚️ 28/10/2020 free webinar
▶ ️ Payment beams on bend begins from constructing diagram Q (x) and M (x). ABOUT Tom as build diagrams and what this is such - in this broadcast. Connect.
▶ ️ 13:01 Definition supporting reactions and building diagram
▶ ️ 31:12 Example constructing diagram bending moment M (x) and transverse strength Q (x) for beams on two pillars at loading by force F, distributed load q and focused moment M.
▶ ️ 1:02:59 Extremum on plot moments
▶ ️ 1:13:08 Selection cross-sections for wooden round and rectangular cross-sections
▶ ️ 1:07:08 Start Selection I-beam cross-sections for given beams
▶ ️ 1:25:09 Search suitable I-beam by assortment

▶ ️ Start constructing diagram in console beams from strength, distributed load and moment here:    • Построение эпюр в консольной балке ▶️...  
▶ ️ Required take a look video for console beams, if a not everything It was understandably in the current video.
▶ ️ Then video for simple beams on two supports:    • Изгиб балки. Расчет балок на двух опо...  

⏏️ 5/11/2020 Method Vereshchagin for definitions displacement (Payment beams on rigidity)