Fluent API Intro - Another way to make table references

Опубликовано: 22 Октябрь 2016
на канале: Lars Bilde

This Series is about building C# Fullstack Web Applications in ASP.NET using MVC, Web API, the Entity Framework and a MS SQL Database.

In this, the third part of this Series, the focus will be on using the Entity Framework in a ASP.NET MVC web application.
We will focus on how when using the EF, we can persist data in a MSSQL database and later retrieve and manipulate the persisted data and present it in a MVC solution using the twitter bootstrap framework 3.0.

SourceCode can be found here:

Before you take the third part of the course you may wanna look at:
Part 1 C# Basics:
   • C# Web Apps - Basic C#  
And part 2 MVC Basics:
   • C# Web Apps - Basic MVC  

TutorialsTeacher has a lot of great Material on C# and ASP.NET MVC:

entityframeworktutorial.net has a lot of great Material on EF6.0 that we use in this tutorial: